108 comments / Posted on by Stephen S

Did you know we offer advanced 1-1 training days? Here's a little of what you can expect on the day:

We started on the test panel identifying defects and testing the paint. Then got into some hand sanding and machine sanding showing the difference in effect and time used. Then did some polishing with velvet to show different fast cutting methods.
Detailing Training Scotland - Machine Sanding / Rotary polishing / Ceramic Coating
Once we got comfortable there we started inflicting some extra defects with the wire brush and practiced removing sanding marks and heavy defects in the most efficient way.
Rotary Polishing Training Day Scotland
That meant jumping in at the deep end with rotary and wool, discussing rotary technique and showing not just how to cut but how to finish with a rotary polisher. You can see from one video to the next how quickly he picked up rotary technique and got comfortable with the machines.
We then pushed sanding to the limits to show how much some paints can tolerate but also how easily damage can be done with the wrong techniques.
Detailing Training Scotland - machine sanding
After that we covered ceramic coatings; trying offerings from a couple of well known brands and their top coat products. Discussing application, removal and how best to avoid high spots as well as aftercare.
Detailing Training Day - Ceramic Coatings
After a quick lunch we brought in the flame orange Fiesta ST I'd prepped earlier and approached it as a complete unknown. We tested the depths and did test sets to find the best approach for each area.
Advanced Detailing Training Day 
This involved everything from rotary and mini rotary heavy cuts to DA and mini DA heavy, medium and light cut based on the defects in each area.
Advanced Detailing Training Day Scotland - Rotary Polishing
We then tried some different finishing protection products and ended the day with a little headlight restoration.
Detailing Training Day - Headlight Restoration
The finished result on the Flame Orange Fiesta ST.
Detailing Training Days Scotland
To learn more about our training days click here: Training


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